CLASS 7 CHAPTER 3 Our Changing Earth MCQs

CLASS 7 CHAPTER 3 Our Changing Earth MCQs

mcqs = [ (“What causes the lithospheric plates to move?”, {“A”: “Movement of molten magma inside the Earth”, “B”: “Winds and ocean currents”, “C”: “Solar radiation”, “D”: “Tidal forces”}, “A”), (“What are the forces that originate inside the Earth called?”, {“A”: “Exogenic forces”, “B”: “Endogenic forces”, “C”: “Erosional forces”, “D”: “Depositional forces”}, “B”), (“Which of the following is an example of a sudden movement caused by endogenic forces?”, {“A”: “Weathering”, “B”: “Volcanoes”, “C”: “Wind erosion”, “D”: “River deposition”}, “B”), (“What are lithospheric plates?”, {“A”: “Large bodies of water on the Earth’s surface”, “B”: “Rigid, irregularly shaped slabs of the Earth’s crust”, “C”: “Layers of the atmosphere”, “D”: “Sediments deposited by rivers”}, “B”), (“What term is used for the place in the Earth’s crust where an earthquake originates?”, {“A”: “Epicentre”, “B”: “Crater”, “C”: “Focus”, “D”: “Seismic point”}, “C”), (“What is the point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake called?”, {“A”: “Focus”, “B”: “Epicentre”, “C”: “Crater”, “D”: “Seismic point”}, “B”), (“Which scale is used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake?”, {“A”: “Beaufort scale”, “B”: “Richter scale”, “C”: “Fahrenheit scale”, “D”: “Kelvin scale”}, “B”), (“Which of the following best describes a volcano?”, {“A”: “A mountain formed by the accumulation of sand”, “B”: “An opening in the Earth’s crust through which molten material erupts”, “C”: “A depression created by an asteroid impact”, “D”: “A structure built by humans to control water flow”}, “B”), (“What are the minor movements of the Earth that are felt before or after an earthquake called?”, {“A”: “Tremors”, “B”: “Volcanic eruptions”, “C”: “Seismic waves”, “D”: “Aftershocks”}, “D”), (“Which term is used for the molten material that comes out during a volcanic eruption?”, {“A”: “Sediment”, “B”: “Magma”, “C”: “Lava”, “D”: “Ash”}, “C”), (“What is a tsunami?”, {“A”: “A type of earthquake”, “B”: “A series of large sea waves caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions”, “C”: “A tornado formed over the ocean”, “D”: “A strong wind that occurs on coastal areas”}, “B”), (“What usually causes a tsunami?”, {“A”: “Heavy rainfall”, “B”: “Underwater volcanic eruptions or earthquakes”, “C”: “High tides”, “D”: “Strong winds”}, “B”), (“Which region is most affected by tsunamis?”, {“A”: “Mountainous regions”, “B”: “Deserts”, “C”: “Coastal areas”, “D”: “Forests”}, “C”), (“What natural phenomenon is most likely to trigger a tsunami?”, {“A”: “Tornado”, “B”: “Landslide”, “C”: “Underwater earthquake”, “D”: “Blizzard”}, “C”), (“What is the primary effect of a tsunami when it reaches land?”, {“A”: “It causes volcanic eruptions”, “B”: “It results in the flooding of coastal areas”, “C”: “It creates sand dunes”, “D”: “It increases air pollution”}, “B”), (“Which type of force is responsible for building up the Earth’s surface?”, {“A”: “Exogenic forces”, “B”: “Erosional forces”, “C”: “Endogenic forces”, “D”: “Depositional forces”}, “C”), (“What is one of the main agents of weathering that breaks down rocks into smaller pieces?”, {“A”: “Wind”, “B”: “Earthquakes”, “C”: “Lava”, “D”: “Sunlight”}, “A”), (“Which of the following is an example of an exogenic force?”, {“A”: “Volcanic eruption”, “B”: “Earthquake”, “C”: “River erosion”, “D”: “Plate movement”}, “C”), (“What is the process called when soil and rock are worn away by natural elements like water and wind?”, {“A”: “Deposition”, “B”: “Erosion”, “C”: “Weathering”, “D”: “Sedimentation”}, “B”), (“Which natural force is primarily responsible for creating landforms like valleys and canyons?”, {“A”: “Wind erosion”, “B”: “Glacial movement”, “C”: “River erosion”, “D”: “Volcanic activity”}, “C”), (“What is deposition?”, {“A”: “The process of rocks breaking down into smaller particles”, “B”: “The accumulation of sediments in new locations”, “C”: “The melting of ice in glaciers”, “D”: “The formation of mountains through volcanic activity”}, “B”), (“Which natural agent is responsible for the formation of sand dunes?”, {“A”: “Water”, “B”: “Ice”, “C”: “Wind”, “D”: “Volcanic eruption”}, “C”), (“How are deltas formed?”, {“A”: “By wind carrying and depositing sand”, “B”: “By rivers depositing sediments at their mouths”, “C”: “By glaciers melting and retreating”, “D”: “By volcanic eruptions creating new landforms”}, “B”), (“What is the process of weathering?”, {“A”: “The breakdown of rocks due to exposure to natural elements”, “B”: “The movement of sediments to new locations”, “C”: “The formation of mountains through tectonic activity”, “D”: “The accumulation of lava from a volcanic eruption”}, “A”), (“Which landform is created when a river deposits sediments along its course?”, {“A”: “Canyon”, “B”: “Delta”, “C”: “Sand dune”, “D”: “Glacier”}, “B”), (“Which agent is responsible for the formation of beaches?”, {“A”: “Wind”, “B”: “Rivers”, “C”: “Ocean waves”, “D”: “Glaciers”}, “C”), (“How are mushroom rocks formed?”, {“A”: “By water erosion”, “B”: “By volcanic eruptions”, “C”: “By wind erosion shaping the base of rocks”, “D”: “By glacial activity”}, “C”), (“Which landform is created by wind carrying and depositing sand?”, {“A”: “Delta”, “B”: “Sand dune”, “C”: “Glacier”, “D”: “Canyon”}, “B”), (“What happens when river water flows over a plain and slows down?”, {“A”: “It forms a waterfall”, “B”: “It creates a canyon”, “C”: “It deposits sediments forming a floodplain”, “D”: “It evaporates completely”}, “C”), (“Which of the following is an example of an erosional landform created by glaciers?”, {“A”: “Sand dune”, “B”: “Moraine”, “C”: “Delta”, “D”: “Beach”}, “B”), (“What is a glacier?”, {“A”: “A large river of ice that moves slowly over land”, “B”: “A river formed in desert regions”, “C”: “A large body of water surrounded by land”, “D”: “A rock formation created by wind erosion”}, “A”), (“How do glaciers shape the land?”, {“A”: “By depositing sediments only”, “B”: “By eroding and carving out valleys as they move”, “C”: “By creating volcanic mountains”, “D”: “By forming beaches”}, “B”), (“What is the term used for the material deposited by glaciers?”, {“A”: “Delta”, “B”: “Moraine”, “C”: “Sediment”, “D”: “Sand dune”}, “B”), (“Which landform is commonly associated with the movement of glaciers?”, {“A”: “Valley”, “B”: “Sand dune”, “C”: “Canyon”, “D”: “Waterfall”}, “A”), (“What happens when glaciers melt and retreat?”, {“A”: “They create sand dunes”, “B”: “They leave behind moraines and other landforms”, “C”: “They cause volcanic eruptions”, “D”: “They form beaches along coastlines”}, “B”), (“Which process is primarily responsible for the formation of river valleys?”, {“A”: “Wind erosion”, “B”: “Glacial movement”, “C”: “River erosion”, “D”: “Volcanic activity”}, “C”), (“What is a meander?”, {“A”: “A sharp turn in a mountain range”, “B”: “A loop-like bend in the course of a river”, “C”: “A hill formed by wind erosion”, “D”: “A flat area created by glacial deposits”}, “B”), (“Which of the following landforms is created by river deposition?”, {“A”: “Canyon”, “B”: “Sand dune”, “C”: “Floodplain”, “D”: “Glacial moraine”}, “C”), (“What is the term used for a river’s mouth where it deposits sediments as it enters the sea?”, {“A”: “Beach”, “B”: “Delta”, “C”: “Valley”, “D”: “Moraine”}, “B”), (“How do oxbow lakes form?”, {“A”: “From the retreat of glaciers”, “B”: “When a meander is cut off from the main river”, “C”: “From volcanic activity”, “D”: “By wind erosion in desert areas”}, “B”) ]

CLASS 7 CHAPTER 3 Our Changing Earth MCQs

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