Summary of “Fur” by Saki
“Fur” by Saki is a witty short story that revolves around the rivalry between two women, Eleanor and Suzanne, who are friends but constantly compete in terms of social standing and wealth. The story is set during the Christmas season, with the central focus on a luxurious fur coat Suzanne gifts to Eleanor.
Initially, Eleanor is thrilled by the expensive gift, but her excitement soon turns into suspicion. She begins to believe that Suzanne’s gift is not an act of kindness but rather an attempt to outshine her socially.
Themes Explored
The story explores key themes such as envy, rivalry, and the superficial nature of social relationships. Saki masterfully uses irony and sharp wit to highlight the absurdities of competitive friendships that are based on materialism rather than true emotional connections.
In the end, Eleanor’s growing resentment reflects how fragile her relationship with Suzanne is. Her insecurity quickly overshadows her initial joy, offering a satirical commentary on human nature and vanity. The story subtly critiques the hollowness of social competition and materialistic values.